Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Best Laid Plans

The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray! My plan to keep this up on a daily basis have definitely gone by the wayside. Just playing "Captain Obvious" there. I've been busy, but not in the way I've been used to for the last few years, and certainly not in the way I thought I would be. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Let me explain.

I've become accustomed to getting up and being at work by a certain time. I would do specified tasks until a specified time, then I would go home. Since we have been back in Texas, my job description and schedule have both been fairly flexible and that has been tough for me to adjust to. When I say I've been busy, it hasn't all been "job" related, meaning it hasn't all been money producing. Of course, there is the farm which has various tasks and challenges that pop up from time to time. I'm also the Minister of Music at our church, and just preparing music for services and practice has been constant. In fact, I feel like I'm just really starting to get back in the flow of things and am getting a good foothold. I can honestly say that I know it's what God has called me to do, and I didn't fully realize how much I had missed it until now!

We've also had more opportunity to help with other areas of the church which is giving us a chance to fellowship with others and really form relationships that will help "iron sharpen iron," and I like that! Anyway, I could go into more detail, but it would take so much of your time to read it all. Let me just summarize for now and share more info later. I had my ideas about what was going to happen when we came back to Texas, but God always has higher plans. My expectations were high, but God has taken those to a whole new, a whole new dimension! We are seeing Him do mighty things in people's lives. Our whole view and agenda has been altered and God is doing greater things than I could ever have imagined. I have a strange feeling that this blog will turn into a Revival Journal before too much longer! I don't say that lightly! I truly believe that we are about to see a move of God and we are called to be like John the Baptist and help prepare the way of the Lord!

He is coming back soon, I really believe that! We need to be ready and we need to tell others about Jesus while we still can. I'll share more later, but right now I need to get back to work on the other part of my calling, which is the earthly part that helps pay the bills. Be blessed!

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