Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Prepare The Way!

I have to say that I am blessed! God has given me a wonderful family and has taken care of us in every way imaginable. He also allowed me to grow up in a Christian home, so I have spent my life seeing His mercy and grace in action. That type of exposure would normally cause someone to become desensitized to what's going on, but I find it's just the opposite when it comes to God's handiwork. I'm constantly amazed by His awesome love for us!

Please, allow me to share what's on my heart. As I look at what's happening in our country and in the world, I can't help but see how that relates to Scripture and the return of Jesus for His Church. The signs are there and I believe that our time here is running short -- probably shorter than we realize! In my humble opinion, these really are the Last Days! If that is true, it means that we are not far from seeing our Savior, Jesus Christ, face to face. Sadly, though, it also means that we are running out of time to share Jesus with our friends, family, and anyone else we meet who might not know Him and His saving grace!

All this has made me wonder. If we really knew how close His return was, would we change anything about the way we live? Would we stop watching certain movies or TV shows? Would we stop using certain language? Would we stay away from some of the places we currently go -- or start going to church more often? Would we make things right with people we have hurt or who have hurt us? Would gossip suddenly seem like the sin it really is, and would we be willing to go back and make things right from all of the gossip of the past? Would the vices we rationalize as being o.k. suddenly appear as ugly to us as they do to God? Would our focus shift from the insignificant things that bring us pleasure to the things that please God? Most importantly, would we have an urgency to share Jesus with as many as we could so they could have the chance to live for eternity with God in Heaven instead of separated from Him in the eternal torment and agony of Hell? What would it take to cause that type of urgency to rise in us?

There is a clarion call going out to "Prepare the Way of the Lord!" Just as John the Baptist went about telling everyone he could about the coming Messiah, we should be about the business of telling everyone we can about the return of the King of Kings! My exhortation is to pray for the Holy Spirit to bring revival; revival in our hearts, in our families, our churches and in any other area that God desires! How we need that outpouring, and I know it's coming! That will empower us for a great push to reach the lost before it's too late! We've got a mission and we're running out of time. Jesus is coming soon and we must grasp the urgency to Prepare the Way of the Lord!

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