Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm Still Here

You know what they say, "The best laid plans of mice and men..." My plan to update daily, or at least every other day, was put on the shelf for awhile due to farming and internet problems.

If you've never tried working a farm, let me just tell you that it is a whole new experience. Technically, I knew what to expect when we moved back here but I had become so used to my daily 9-6 routine that I lost all concept of farm life. What a stark reminder when the days started early and continued until after dark. It's not always like that, but there were some things that we needed to help Mom and Dad catch up on so it required more intense work than usual. A couple of fences needed to be fixed, the garden needed to be tilled, the garden fence needed to be built, the list just goes on. Needless to say, it has been busy and FUN! I've enjoyed the exercise and the fresh air and I can officially say that I am a redneck. The sun has made sure that I acquired that distinguishing characteristic. It has been wonderful, so far, but the lack of defined hours has left me feeling somewhat frazzled when it comes to getting things ready for church.

As of Easter Sunday, I am the Minister of Music/Adult Sunday School Teacher at Spirit Life Worship Center. It's a small, but growing church just a couple of miles from our house. I've been encouraged by what's been happening there! The pastor and his wife are truly Godly people who spend time seeking God's will instead of trying to do things according to their own. I don't think I've met a man who knows and can quote Scripture like him. (Of course, there's Jack Van Impe but I haven't actually met him.) I also have to brag on Jaden, too. He is our drummer! God has definitely given him a gift, because he has never had a lesson but can do more than just keep a beat. He feels it and puts his heart into it every time! I'm so proud of him!!!

Oh, I mentioned intenet problems. Where do I begin? We have digital phone service through our ISP and are supposed to have the fastest service available. At least, that's what we're paying for. Unfortunately, there have been some technical issues at the company so our internet connection has been sketchy. Since the phone uses the internet to operate, it has been affected as well. They're working on it and it's a little better, but it's still only about a third as fast as it should be. Hopefully, they will have that fixed this week.

I know this has been a long post, but I needed to catch up. If you subscribe to the RSS feed, it will notify you when I post again, which I plan to do much more frequently! I probably shouldn't have said that because, "The best laid plans..."

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