Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A New Beginning!

It's been a long time since I've done any maintenance around here.  As you can see, I've made a few changes and remodelled things a bit.  It's amazing what a new coat of paint and some rearranging can do for the place.  Now, what will I "furnish" it with?
Well, I am looking forward to sharing some of the things that God has been dealing with us about.  Becky and I have been taking some long, hard looks at some things that we have been taught in church and have compared those to what the Bible really says.  Let me just say that it's not easy to change unless that change comes in the light of God's Word.  Even then it doesn't just happen, because you often worry about what others will say.  I'm past that, now!  When it comes to what God's Word says, there is no need for concern.  It is THE source of truth and there's no argument.

Of course, there are the things that happen in our lives on any given day and I'll let you know what's going on there, too.  I also tweet, or twitter, or whatever you want to call it, and those will keep popping up on the Twitter feed on the right side of the blog.

Let me finish pulling some more things together and I'll start posting again later tonight or tomorrow.  Until then...make yourself at home.

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