Saturday, March 14, 2009


That's about all I can say right now! After much heaving, lifting, grunting, straining and moaning I'm thankful to say that the trailer is 99% done. I would say 100%, but there are a few little nick-knack items that we will have to put on if they won't all fit in our car. Oh, also because the bulkhead that is supposed to close off our portion of the trailer is BROKEN!

One of the handles that "pumps" the braces against the side walls was broken. I noticed it when we went to close the trailer this afternoon. I wish I would have noticed it earlier, and I'm not quite sure why I didn't, but I trust God and know that there might just be a reason for us being delayed in leaving. The funny thing is, I discovered it around 4:30, and the ABF office closed at 4. Oh well. I'm just thankful the worst part of it is done! Unloading is much easier!

I'm also thankful for our friends! If it wouldn't have been for them, we would still be struggling to get it done right now! They showed up and jumped right in. God is so wonderful! He is so concerned with the details of our lives that He gives us friends to share in the journey! We have truly been blessed with so many wonderful friends here, and I'm just thankful that even though we can't take them with us, the friendship isn't hindered by distance. Now, we will be able to give them a vacation destination that will only cost them the gas it takes to get to our farm and back. :-)

Watch the twitter posts for updates and pictures. Thank you for praying, and for letting me share this experience with you! Be blessed!

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