“I’ve fallen behind in blogging and I deserve a flogging.” I thought about making that the title of this post, but I was afraid that someone might take me seriously so I decided against it. Actually, the last several days have been relatively easy as far as physical things are concerned, but mentally they have been tough.
Have you ever been in a position where you had to decide whether or not to do the right thing? Doing so could hurt friends or family but would protect the “greater good.” Keeping quiet would maintain relationships but could cause greater problems elsewhere! What a quandary! What do you do?
Ordinarily, my response would be to just jump in and do what I thought was right. Not necessarily a knee-jerk response, but one that was swift and decisive, without too much thought and certainly not enough prayer! The last thing I want to do is hurt anyone, but hey…right is right and I’m (insert corny superhero theme here) the Fleshly Avenger, using my own power to insure that justice is served! Serving justice might be a wonderful thing, but doing so without praying isn’t! As many times as I’ve done it the wrong way, you’d think I would have learned, but…I almost didn’t!
I say “almost” because, thankfully, I stopped short of making a potentially grand and glorious mistake by doing what I thought was right. Instead, I asked God to guide me and give me wisdom, and guess what? He Did! He took things in a totally different direction than what I would have and I believe everything will work out in a way that will not only solve a problem, but will also bring God glory.
There were some other benefits as well, but I won’t get into them right now. I might use them later so I won’t get dangerously close to receiving a flogging for not blogging.
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