Monday, May 2, 2011

What's the Right Reaction?

Sunday night, I got the email alert that stated President Obama was going to address the nation, but there was no indication of what the topic would be. That got my attention, so I flipped to Fox News just before he was supposed to speak.

I heard Geraldo Rivera speculating on what the speech would be about. Suddenly, I saw his face light up and he began talking about the possibility that the President could be announcing that Osama bin Laden had been killed or captured. He got more and more excited, and within a minute or so, the confirmation came in that bin Laden had indeed been killed. Geraldo and his guest (whose name escapes me) began laughing and “high-fiving” each other as if their team had suddenly won the championship. My initial reaction was one of relief that one of the most horrible chapters in American history was getting some closure after almost 10 years. But, as I saw Geraldo and others celebrating, something struck me as being horribly wrong. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Another soul entered into eternity, and it was fairly obvious where it went.

I know Rob Bell would probably take issue with me on this but, given the circumstances, it seems pretty certain that bin Laden’s soul is bound for eternal torment in hell. I’m not saying that I know it for a fact, because I wasn’t with him prior to his death, so I don’t know if he realized his need to be saved from sin and turned to Jesus for salvation. The circumstances seem to point to the fact that he didn’t. After all, if he had repented and turned from his sin, I would have to believe that he wouldn’t have resisted and caused the soldier(s) to feel like they had to kill him. His stance has always been that he wouldn’t allow the infidels to take him alive! If that is indeed the case, then he most certainly is in hell.

So, there I was, watching the celebration and feeling a mixture of relief and sorrow. On one hand, relief that the mastermind of 9/11 was brought to Earthly justice, but, on the other hand, sorrow at the thought of how his hatred had probably condemned him to hell – the place of torment that was originally created for satan and his fallen angels. That thought, combined with Proverbs 24:17-18 spoils the party atmosphere and puts things in perspective! What does it say?

17 Do not rejoice when your enemy falls,
and let not your heart be glad when he stumbles,
18 lest the LORD see it and be displeased,
and turn away his anger from him.

Eternity is at stake, and, no matter how evil the person’s heart may be, Jesus still died for them just as much as he died for you and me! Celebrating their demise is basically saying that we’re more interested in their fleshly punishment than we are in their eternal punishment.

I want to make it clear that I am proud of our military men and women who put their lives on the line to defend us and our freedoms. They did their job and they did it without hesitation. They deserve our support and our thanks. Osama was brought to justice, and I don’t have any problem with that fact. But, instead of celebrating the death of an enemy, I hope this will spur us on to fulfilling the Great Commission!

There are so many who are lost in sin and who need to hear the message of Jesus before they die! He is the only way to salvation and eternal life! Instead of reacting to the downfall of an enemy with laughter and celebration, let’s conform our lives to the Bible, stop living like the world, and share the message of Salvation through Jesus Christ with everyone we can. I love this quote: “Preach the Gospel at all times – use words if necessary.” Now, that’s the right reaction!